I am a new use to power automate and trying to make use of a template using an Office 365 connector. As it is my first time using the connector, it takes me through the usual prompts of connecting to my account and data. The connection attempt ultimate fails however, and I've given the following error message:
Test connection failed. Details: Unauthorized client
When I use the navigation side panel and go to Data>Connections, the Office 365 connection is listed and the status is indicated as 'connected'.
I am a subscriber to Office 365 Family and using the free version of power automate. I am confident I am correctly entering my credentials in the connector prompts (ID, password, 2FA) and have made multiple attempts.
How can I resolve my connector issue?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Please click on the ellipses next to the invalid connection sign and do a add new connection and recreate the connection from there.
Hello Team,
In most cases this is a glitch. I have seen numerous questions in the community where the issue is actually with the cache and hence the connection keeps getting haywire.
I would recommend you to delete the connection from the Flow environment, clear the cache, refresh the browser and try to create a fresh connection again.
This should definitely resolve your issue out.
If this does not resolve your issue out then you will need to connect with the Support - https://flow.microsoft.com/en-us/support/
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