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Unable to click a button on a screen

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Good day, 

I have two subflows inside of a main flow. In both I press a specific button on a side nav bar which is a hyperlink.

In subflow A this works perfect every time, however, in subflow B the same action does not work in the production environment (it worked perfectly fine in the testing environment).
Both subflow A and B come from the same screen and I cannot think why subflow B fails at this button press but subflow A works.  

The flow works on Chrome on a windows VM. It is triggered from a cloud flow. I have attached a file with the error message from the cloud flow in it if that helps at all.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
Thank you 
  • Suggested answer
    eetuRobo Profile Picture
    eetuRobo 2,689 on at
    Unable to click a button on a screen
    I would double check that hose are actually the same element. Elements can be named the same but be different elements. Like you can see:

    If you can show the element in edit. Also when the flow fails try pressing the Test button to see if UI selector can find the element.

    Also as I suggested check that the browser instance is the same/correct one in the action that fails.

    It might not be able to find the element even if its the correct one if you are referencing wrong browser instance that doesn't have the instance that the button is in.
  • SM-16010706-0 Profile Picture
    SM-16010706-0 8 on at
    Unable to click a button on a screen
    Hi, sure, I have attached some images.

    Here is the button I am trying to press, circled in red.

    This is the subflow that is failing.

    This is the subflow that is working. 
  • Suggested answer
    eetuRobo Profile Picture
    eetuRobo 2,689 on at
    Unable to click a button on a screen
    Can you show some screenshots of the flow and the ui element?

    Check that the browser instance is correct in the "Press button on web page" -action in the subflow that fails.
  • SM-16010706-0 Profile Picture
    SM-16010706-0 8 on at
    Unable to click a button on a screen
    Hi @eetuRobo Thank you for your response. 

    I have already tried remapping the button in prod and have edited as you suggested. This did not resolve the issue. 

    As I stated in the original question the button does work in prod from the one subflow but a different subflow (called by the same main flow) does not work. 

    I hope this clarifies the issue 
  • eetuRobo Profile Picture
    eetuRobo 2,689 on at
    Unable to click a button on a screen
    Elements in different environments usually have some differences in them. Some attributes like name or id might be different.
    So recapture the button in production and use that in the production flow. 

    You can edit the captured element in PADs UI selector window. Open the element in Edit :

    Then try to find elements attribute value that might be different in test and prod environments. Like for example if this would be a test environments button:

    And this would be prod environments button:

    Then it would be clear why the flow cant find the button in prod environment since its trying to find Id that has "test" in it when in prod it has "prod" in it. So you would need to change the Id to match the prod value or toggle the Id attribute off.

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