Good morning,
I've seen similar posts to this but without resolution. This is the second time I've personally had this issue which is this: I create a flow from a template, the trigger is "For a selected item" in a SharePoint list. When finished, I save the flow and head over to the library, and the flow does not show up when selected an item and looking under my flows.
Interestingly enough, if I add "Run Only Users" they will be able to see the flow, but I as the owner cannot.
I believe a work around is to create the flow from the library, which I will be trying soon. However, I'd like to see a fix released for this. If anyone knows of a fix / better workaround please share!
I tried the list ID with and without curly brackets enclosing it (to which %7B & %7D translate) which also didn't work. Interestingly if I enter the ID without them and save the flow, The ID gets replaced with the list display name in that flow action field. This does not occur if I use the curly brackets. But under no combination does the flow appear in SharePoint's Automate list for a selected document.
i gave list id( with and without %7B,%7D) in place of list name for For a selected item trigger. shared flow with run only access to users.
But still custom env flow is not showing up in list menu/list item menu.
Please help.
Thank you, this helped me a lot
This also resolves the issue
Thank You! Can't believe how aggravating this was - and such a simple fix!
Hope this helps someone else, but the fix is to use the Library ID, not the name, in the "List Name" field. To get the ID, go to the Library Settings and check for it under the URL between List=%7B .... and %7D.
PS, the work around I suggested at the bottom of my post didn't work.