You cannot do what you were doing in SQL, but you are close.
So first, you need to know the actual names of the Columns IN your table, NOT the Labels. What's the difference. The label is the string you see on the SharePoint list UI.
However, depending on how the list was created, it may NOT be called that or spelled the same.
Second, is your OrderDate a Date ONLY column or a DateTime, its important to know.
To do what you want.
1. You add your Get Items action
By default the action name is called Get Items, unless you already have one. The name is whats in the Header
-Set the List for this action
Let's pretend its Order Items since an order can have multiple things, I am NOT going to create the order stuff, I am skipping right to Order Items
2. In the Filter you would do essentially I would do what you asked (mostly)
And the stuff inside the '' is an expression NOT TEXT I simply type
OrderDate eq 'formatDateTime(utcNow(), 'dd-MM-yyyy')'
With the assumption that your Order Date as a Date formatted as dd-MM-YYYY
Now let's assume this filter works, cause it would :-)
Right afterwords you want to get the COUNT of how many matched. Unfortunately this is another action
Add a Compose
for the expression put
And it will return the number of rows. The number of Rows is what you want.
Now you can use an Email to send the information.
Now so what's missing???
Well what I showed you is a TOTAL number of things sold. If you want to find the number PER ITEM.. then its a whole other extra set of steps.