When I use "publish all customizations" in a solution, I have the following error :
Commands.Publish failed: Principal user (Id=53fd6203-d23c-ee11-bdf5-002248724171, type=8, roleCount=2, privilegeCount=558, accessMode='0 Read-Write', AADObjectId='cd4909ef-7f17-4218-8a2f-f1924ccd0020', MetadataCachePrivilegesCount=5129, businessUnitId=df22997c-5daa-ed11-9885-000d3a9599ff), is missing prvReadAppModule privilege (Id=cad9c968-cb81-444d-873a-e91b88f345eb) on OTC=9006 for entity 'appmodule' (LocalizedName='Application basée sur un modèle'). context.Caller=53fd6203-d23c-ee11-bdf5-002248724171. Consider adding missed privilege to one of the principal (user/team) roles.
It seems that it is a privilege issue but I don't know what to do
Note : I have a basic Power Automate licence
Have you some idea ?
Have a great day