I am trying to set up some user notifications for the Power BI goals feature. I am able to fill in the workspace and Scorecard ID but when I try to connect to the Goal ID I get the following error message.
"Could not retrieve values. BadGateway More diagnostic information: x-ms-client-request-id is 'D37255BA-E4B5-4AC3-8482-1ED5DC91AF07'"
This was not an issue a few days ago when I created notifications for when the current values in a scorecard changed. However, now, I cannot connect to any Goal ID on any new workflow, regardless of which action I select.
I have manually refreshed Power BI but that has not fixed the issue.
Has anyone else seen this error message? How can I get it fixed so that I can connect to the scorecard goals again?
Than you @EmilioG !
I guess I am maybe tackling this the wrong way.
The challenge I am facing is that I have different Goals in the Scorecard.
Now, I am trying to create a flow that regardless of what goal value changed, It will send an email. I don't want to create a dedicated flow for EVERY goal I have now and keep creating those for every goal that get added in the future to that Scorecard.. I want to create one dynamic flow that can cover that.. (Identify that a goal value in a particular Scorecard have changed --> send an email to notify that particular goal value have changed.)
Have you any suggestion? 😊
Hi, @ulevi,
It's possible, but you must use a new step that could retrieve the goal name. That's because the "When current value of a goal changes" doesn't return it.
In the example that I attach, I've used "Get a goal" that return the "Goal Name".
I hope it help you. Regards.
@EmilioG - Is it possible on the very scenario you described in your comment to be able to send in the email notification the Goal name, (the name you see in the Scorecard), instead of its "Goal ID" ? what is the way to do that on the flow?
I've looking for a "real and good" answer to the same problem with no results.
I've solved it partially using a workaround.
I created a new workflow with a trigger called: