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Get Previous version values for Choice column in Mail

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Hi @Expiscornovus 


Thanks for looking into my issue 


I followed Reza Dorrani Video for "Power Automate SharePoint Item Modified flow | Track Column Changes"


I have referred Ur articles for creating a flow from SharePoint to mail. 



First Send an Http Request 



Second one is empty 




Iam getting following error in my flow 





_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('Risk_Database')/fields?$select=Title,InternalName&$filter=InternalName eq '@{item()}'
coalesce(body('Send_an_HTTP_request_to_SharePoint')?['d']?['results']?[0]?[item()], '')
nvalidTemplate. Unable to process template language expressions in action 'Append_to_array_variable' inputs at line '0' and column '0': 'The template language expression 'body('Send_an_HTTP_request_to_SharePoint_-_Title')['value'][0]['Title']' cannot be evaluated because property 'value' doesn't exist, available properties are 'd'. Please see for usage details.'.
Could u please help meto fix this issue 
  • Re: Get Previous version values for Choice column in Mail

    HI @Expiscornovus 


    Thanks for the knowlede , I had this issue before , I have rectified it using one of ur articles!


    But now, I have crossed checked the column values it's not null. 



    The above image is the version history after I made changes to the one of my SP LISTS Version 6

    If u could check the version of the flow in SEND AN HTTP


     "parameters/uri": "_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('Risk_Database')/items(16)/versions?$filter=VersionLabel eq '5.0'&$select=Risk_status,AssetsImpacted,Financial_impact,Stage_of_risk,Risk_rating0,Risk_rating,Risk_treatment_type,Modified"}
       Here Iam getting the previous version 5.0


     In the flow Iam able to get the previous version value but for the current one it is showing as blank 
    coalesce(body('Send_an_HTTP_request_to_SharePoint')?['d']?['results']?[1]?[item()], '')
    coalesce(body('Send_an_HTTP_request_to_SharePoint')?['d']?['results']?[0]?[item()], '')
    Please have a look 


  • Expiscornovus Profile Picture
    Expiscornovus 31,144 on at
    Re: Get Previous version values for Choice column in Mail

    Hi @Danny_Dicaprio,


    Edit:  I now notice you are using the same expression only with an index of [1] for the Value property. It is looking for the second item in the results of the version history 😅


    But this HTTP request will only return one item. Where did you find this expression, or why are you using an index of [1]?


    Just to double check. Fields can be empty in your list item before you changed it/updated the list item. So, technically it is possible that a field was empty before you updated it and the Value property would be null/empty.


    Can you double check this isn't the case with your test?


    Below is an example where it was the case in my test run. It would be useful to see your Body and also to see which version of the item you are retrieving, is it version 1.0?





  • Re: Get Previous version values for Choice column in Mail

    Hi @Expiscornovus 


    Only the second one has the headers 





    Still the current value is showing as blank


    can u please help me with it 

  • Expiscornovus Profile Picture
    Expiscornovus 31,144 on at
    Re: Get Previous version values for Choice column in Mail

    Hi @Danny_Dicaprio,


    Make sure only the second Send an HTTP request to SharePoint action uses the nometadata headers, the first one doesn't need those headers. 


    And can you also share a screenshot of the outputs of the first HTTP action of your last flow run?





  • Re: Get Previous version values for Choice column in Mail

    Hi @Expiscornovus 


    Thanks for the response, It worked!🙌 


    But each time some new issue is happening, I have a person type column, lookup column, choice column.


    Values from these columns are shown blank,


    Can u please help to understand why these columns are blank? 


    Also, I tried to update the flow by adding current values. But the current value is not showing up.



    coalesce(body('Send_an_HTTP_request_to_SharePoint')?['d']?['results']?[1]?[item()], '')
    coalesce(body('Send_an_HTTP_request_to_SharePoint')?['d']?['results']?[0]?[item()], '')




    Value is shown as blank



    Column<b> @{items('Apply_to_each_VarValues')?['Column']}</b>has updated from<b style='colorred'>@{items('Apply_to_each_VarValues')?['value']} </b>to<b style='Color:green'> @{items('Apply_to_each_VarValues')?['CurrentValue']}</b>


    Could u please help me with this issue , what would be the reason for the "Value"  not showing up 



  • Expiscornovus Profile Picture
    Expiscornovus 31,144 on at
    Re: Get Previous version values for Choice column in Mail

    Hi @Danny_Dicaprio 


    I see the action is returning results, so that part is fixed. The reason the expression is not working is because the nometadata headers are missing in the Send an HTTP Request to SharePoint action, like in the screenshot my example:


    When you don't not use those headers, the d property will be returned, which is not part of the expression you are using in the append to variable action.


    Can you add the headers to fix this?

    Accept application/json;odata=nometadata 

    Content-Type application/json;odata=nometadata

  • Re: Get Previous version values for Choice column in Mail

    Hi @Expiscornovus 


    Sorry for the delayed response


    I have made the changes, but the flow is not running properly. 


    It is continuously showing a similar error 


    InvalidTemplate. Unable to process template language expressions in action 'Append_to_array_variable' inputs at line '0' and column '0': 'The template language expression 'body('Send_an_HTTP_request_to_SharePoint_Title')['value'][0]['Title']' cannot be evaluated because property 'value' doesn't exist, available properties are 'd'. Please see for usage details.'.












  • Expiscornovus Profile Picture
    Expiscornovus 31,144 on at
    Re: Get Previous version values for Choice column in Mail

    Hi @Danny_Dicaprio,


    Looks like you have made a small typo in the ColumnName value of the Map field of your first Select action.


    That's why the value shows up with leading space, for example ' Risk_status' instead of 'Risk_status'


    Can you remove the space character in front of the replace expression?






  • Re: Get Previous version values for Choice column in Mail

    Hi @Expiscornovus 


    Thanks for the reply ,Please find the screen shot below 









  • Expiscornovus Profile Picture
    Expiscornovus 31,144 on at
    Re: Get Previous version values for Choice column in Mail

    Hi @Danny_Dicaprio,


    It looks like it cannot find the field. The loop is normally using the outputs of the Set Column Names action. Can you share the outputs of your Set Column Names action? This will help the troubleshooting for us.

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