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Power Automate - General Discussion

Save uploaded images from Power Apps to Sharepoint Picture library

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I want to create a flow that allow me to save uploaded images by users in Power apps into my sharepoint picture library.

Firstly I want to check if the user has already uploaded his pictures (using ID), if yes I want to delete previous pictures and create new item with the new picture, else I just create a new item with the pictures (and some other informations like name, type of photo and project title which are asked to power apps).


So I created the following flow and I have an error I failed to solve : 


First I convert my power apps picture from json to jpg using one drive 



Then I check with get items if an entry has been already created with the following condition : 

length(outputs('Get_items')?['body/value']) is equal to 0

If the length(…) is 0, the item doesn’t exist yet, I can create it. If it’s not 0, the item already exists and I can use the ID from ‘Get items’ to update it. 


If yes :



If no I delete the previous item and I create a new one :



And when I try to save this flow I have this error : 

Flow save failed with code 'InvalidTemplate' and message 'The template validation failed: 'The action(s) 'Get_items' referenced by 'inputs' in action 'Condition' are not defined in the template.'.'.


Thanks in advance ! 

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