I have a vendor sending information via FTPS with TLS.
When trying to use the FTP Cloud connector, it will access the server successfully without SSL enabled (when using a gateway that doesn't require TLS).
Once I enable SSL, the connection breaks.
Trying to use a gateway that requires TLS, the connection also breaks.
I've tried connecting using the Desktop Connector, and while it seems to logon, I've not been able to just yet complete any other actions without an error aside from close connection.
Has anyone successfully created an FTP connector with TLS in Cloud Power Automate?
Note. I've been assured by the vendor that the FTP supports explicit FTPS.
Update: From the FTP Server Log the Power Automate connector connects, switches to TLS, authenticates, then runs some commands with a LIST command always the final command. The connection seems to drop either straight away or very shortly thereafter.