Dear Community team,
I am working on the leave request approval.
I have created sharepoint list for leave request form, and there is column which I created as Line Manager for mulitple choices indicated by their respective email address.
However, I don't know how can I get the value from the column Line manager to put it in Assign to: field in the start approval action. Normally in the Assign to field, it does accept only particular address.
Appreciate if you could adivse on this case.
Hi @phearin ,
The type of the column mentioned in your previous post is "Line Manager for multiple choices".
But here shows that your field is not multiple, why?
If it's a multiple choice, then Apply to each will definitely appear, similar to my screenshot.
It seems that it is just a choice type, but not a multiple choice.
If this is the case, then there is no need to use Compose, you can directly configure the Value in Assigned to field.
Dear V-Bacao,
Thank for always support upon this request.
I have gone through some comments from the previous log, and I have worked on it as I just try to compose one function then I call the Line Manager column. then my flow is working ok with flexible choosing the who is the line manager which message will send to.
I have done it as the way I want it to, yet I really don't know the function compose I used it for. It would be good if you could share on this.
I will take a look on your solution below.
Hi @phearin ,
First, you need to ensure that the email address configured in Assigned to field is valid, and the corresponding user is a member within organization. If there are multiple email addresses, you need to use a semicolon to separate them.
These are the basic requirements for configuring this field, but Line Manager field type is multiple choices. If you choose more than one user, you need to do some special processing.
You could use the variable to store the choice value, and then configure the variable in Assigned to field.
Image reference:
Please take a try.
Best Regards,