Need your expert powerApps is connected to SalesForce. when the user login for the first time it shows the environment & login screen. The end-user Choose the environment (production/sandbox/version etc.) and enters their credential and password to log in. My Requirement is to provide a Logout option in the app. I am not able to provide an option to Logout/sign out. Any suggestion or guidance will be much appreciated.. as Exit(true); Launch(""); is not working.
signout not happening from salesforce within /insdie the app. Is there any way that logout happens inside the powerApps application so that the user can log in again with his/her credentials? I am okay if it can be done by PowerAutomate, json, etc.
I have tried all options. it allows the user to sign out from Microsoft account, not from a salesforce account. and Instead of "replace" "New" opening in the same window.
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
aunch("salesforce logout web link",Blank(),LaunchTarget.New);
Refresh(salesforce Connected table 1);
Refresh(salesforce Connected table 2);
in all the options it is not giving option to sign in or sign out from salesforce account..