I'm quite new with Power Automate Desktop and UI Flows. I'm currently encountering this error when trying to establish a connection on through MS Flows:
I have Power Automate Desktop and UI Flows installed on my machine. I have also created a gateway for this connection.
One thing worth noting I guess is that the UI flow icon on my tray shows this message.
I tried restarting and even killing the process but to no avail.
Any help would be really appreciated.
Hi Brad! I appreciate your response. I tried the solution you provided, however, my work account does not have admin privileges. I tried restarting my computer but still encountering the same problem. Is there any workaround for this?
Thank you in advance.
You need to reset the UI Flow Service, you will not be able to connect until it is up, see: How to reset the UI Flow service when in bad state (microsoft.com)
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