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Power Automate - Building Flows

Array problem using for each action

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Hey guys,
I have a problem with my flow. I want to copy multiple items from a list to another one (same columns that everthing is exact like in the original list) by using a filtered condition. Items have to be older than a year and a contain a certain status. So far so good, that's working quite well. Transferring contents and attatchments as well. The problem is to transfer fields with multiple content options like people picker (PLANER) or lookup information (KONTAKTE)
Here I thought I could use an array to get every content transferred. But that doesn't work the way I thought. The array content of all items is inserted in every new created list item respectively is somehow summed up with every following new item. How can I achieve that for every created item only the array content of the item in the original list is transferred?
Here is my flow
I try to explain what I did, step by step:
  • Get item
  • Initialize variable

    For each clamp for everything following

  • Append to array variable (3x people picker field, 1x lookup field, 1x multiple choice field)
  • Get attachments
  • Create Item
  • Get attachtment content
  • Add attachment
  • Delete (original) item
Thanks for your help
  • Zone 7 Profile Picture
    Zone 7 10 on at
    Array problem using for each action
    Hey David, thanks for your suggestion. I think the behaviour in your posts is a little different. I have another flow with trigger "When an item is modified" and here the array works well beacuse only one item is touched and not multiple items like in my "problem"-flow.
    I updated the question post.
  • David_MA Profile Picture
    David_MA 8,364 on at
    Array problem using for each action
    Someone else will need to answer your specific question, as I have a better tool (ShareGate) for doing what you're attempting with Power Automate, but take a look at these posts as they may assist you:

    If the above information is not what you're looking for, I would suggest that since you posted your question in English, the majority of people who respond will have no idea what you're doing in your flow since all the actions are not in English and you have not expanded any of them to show how they're configured.

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