Hi good people,
How to debug or check Flow error because it is said the record does not exist in the destination platform ?
The destination is D365 F&O. So I create a custom entity inside F&O, If someone familiar with D365 F&O, there is an entity named : LedgerJournalAttachmentsEntity. So this entity is link to a table called LedgerJournalTable (header table) and I copied this entity to a new one then changed its underlying table to LedgerJournalTrans (its child/detail table).
I think I did it correctly, but when Flow ran using this entity, I have error with the given parameters that I provided from my PowerApp.
The number "000001" is given in my PowerApp as one of the parameter when run Flow. And I pretty sure the number is exist in my destination table LedgeJournalTrans inside D365 F&O.
So I need to debug or check what is the actual error for this issue.
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
One other question is in this flow, how to know which field actually being ask as a parameters ? Like below parameters, the one the I circled, actually I have doubt what field in my entity is the flow referring to ->
How to verify this is the correct field so that I'm sure I'm given the correct value as the input parameter in my PowerApp
Managed to browse my data using OData. However it is true I cannot search it using the given key.
Here is my testing, by not using any filter, Odata give me something like this:
But if I filter that same JournalBatchNumber field ->
So the question for now is whether my syntax for filtering correct (I've put the company as in dataareaid) ? and why the filter doesn't return any data whilst the JournalBatchNumber is exist as we can see the same number if we didn't use any filter.
Hmm... I wish there is other way which is more simple, cause I never play with OData before, so I don't know where to begin with, and same thing about Postman.
Hello @Axal,
I don't have personal experience with linked records in F&O in Power Automate, but I would expect that you would also have to specify the object ID - which is probably not what Power Apps displays. Microsoft states: "Object ID refers to the primary keys fields that must be specified to uniquely identify the record that must be fetched. The values must be specified as a comma-separated list of values in the order that is defined in the entity." In my case, this was the company + Customer Account Number.
Maybe it helps if you connect to F&O using OData, e.g. through Postman. If you could retrieve an existing record in your target table through OData, the structure of the data in the relationship field might help you construct the Object ID.
This would be my approach to debugging, anyway 🙂
There's interesting in-depth information on the Fin&Ops connector on the docs site, maybe this helps too: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/fin-ops-core/dev-itpro/data-entities/fin-ops-connector
This is interesting, but just my curiosity, do you have separate company parameter already, but still you need to specify Company+ID in ID parameter ? in your case I believe this ID is Customer Account number.
Because for my flow, I did have another field for the company, as below:
But anyway, that is why I want to know how we can debug this to make sure where is the problem ?
Hello @Axal,
Not sure if this is the problem here, but I had a similar challenge when I was trying to update a Customer in F&O.
In my case, the problem was that I had to change the syntax for specifying the record: I had to add the company to the ID string, e.g. "USMF,0001".