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Power Automate - General Discussion

Require Help for Setting up reminders using SharePoint List

(1) ShareShare
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Hi , 
I need some advise and help.
Background: I have use a SharePoint list and have 2 fields (Email1 and Email2) to send out to my users to remind them.
This 2 fields are not mandatory. 
I have encountered an issue when I do not have values in either of this fields, Power Automate is not able to send out the reminders.
I am using the Send an email (V3) and included the Email2 as CC which i think could be what was causing the issue.
Thanks in advacne 
  • rickychua123 Profile Picture
    rickychua123 20 on at
    Require Help for Setting up reminders using SharePoint List
    Hi @trice602,
    Sorry, do i put it in the CC or apply to this as well:
  • trice602 Profile Picture
    trice602 11,657 on at
    Require Help for Setting up reminders using SharePoint List
    I'm using the trigger as dynamic content but the expression will work for you when you point to your Email2 dynamic content in your SharePoint list.
    So in the CC, you don't use Email2 directly, you input the expression:
    if(empty(triggerOutputs()?['body/Email2']), '', triggerOutputs()?['body/Email2'])
    So if it is blank, it includes nothing, else use the value in Email2.

    If this was helpful, please like and/or mark as a verified answer to help others find this too!

    Always glad to help! 💯💯💯💯💯


    Follow me on LinkedIn - Thomas Rice, PMP | LinkedIn



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