I have a MS forms which takes input from the user and send email using power Automate. I want to send email with the id of the user who submitted the form instead of the flow maker.
Flow to send email
Using the advanced option in the email.
Email Send as the user who submitted the form
Hi @Jayakumar_S ,
If you use this send an email(V2), the default send address is yourself, if you want to change the sender's address mailbox, you first need a shared mailbox and you need to have either 'Send as' or 'Send on behalf' permissions to the mailbox.
This document may be helpful to you: 3 ways to change email sender address in Power Automate (tomriha.com)
Best regards,
Hi, I want to send email to a different mailbox with sender id as submitter. for example, consider the maker email is maker@ms.com and submitter is submitter@ms.com . In the current approach the email is sent from the maker id (maker@ms.com) irrespective of the submitter. So i tried to use the from (send As) option, it wont work without on behalf of permission. I want to send email using the submitter (submitter@ms.com) email id, whoever submits the form should be the sender of the email.
Hi @Jayakumar_S ,
Would you like to send an email to the form submitter?
You can get email in dynamic content.
Best regards,