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Power Automate - Building Flows
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Combining multiple approvals into one approval

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I'm trying to do the following and seem to be mostly there. 
- Get any files that are over 30 days old - Complete
- Create a table displaying any files over 30 days old - Complete 
- Parse the table displaying any file over 30 days old - Complete
- Display a list of these files within an approval - Incomplete
- Once approval is accepted/rejected then continue to delete file over 30 days old - Complete
At the moment there are 3 files within the folder that are over 30 days old. 
I want to just have a singular approval that displays all 3 files within the approval. 
At the moment I seem to be receiving a approval for each singular file name within the Table/JSON
How can I remove the "For Each" Loop so that a singular approval displaying all the file names is sent to me? I have tried removing it manually but it automatically adds it in everytime I test it 
Kind  regards

  • Suggested answer
    David_MA Profile Picture
    David_MA 8,884 on at
    Combining multiple approvals into one approval
    You need to do this:
    • Move the approval out of the apply to each action, as this is the reason it is sending multiple approvals.
    • Then toward the beginning of the flow, create a string variable. This will hold the information on the files that need to be reviewed.
    • In the apply to each, set it to the items returned from the Get files action or whatever you're doing with the data actions, which I think you might be using to filter the files, which you could probably do with a filter query instead.
    • Then add an Append to string variable and add the information about the file that you want in the approval. Note, you will need to format it using Markdown, which is what approvals uses to format the description. You can learn about what is supported in Markdown by approvals at Use Markdown language to format Power Automate approvals - Power Automate | Microsoft Learn.
    • Then just insert the variable into the approval with the information about the files.

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