I'm trying to do the following and seem to be mostly there.
- Get any files that are over 30 days old - Complete
- Create a table displaying any files over 30 days old - Complete
- Parse the table displaying any file over 30 days old - Complete
- Display a list of these files within an approval - Incomplete
- Once approval is accepted/rejected then continue to delete file over 30 days old - Complete
At the moment there are 3 files within the folder that are over 30 days old.
I want to just have a singular approval that displays all 3 files within the approval.
At the moment I seem to be receiving a approval for each singular file name within the Table/JSON
How can I remove the "For Each" Loop so that a singular approval displaying all the file names is sent to me? I have tried removing it manually but it automatically adds it in everytime I test it
Kind regards