Dear Sir,
I am using the Power Automate to querying the tables on online Excel, everything works fine until there is someone goes into that excel and applied the filter, they quit the file without clearing the filter so that it made my flow read the uncompleted data.
My question is, how can we clear all the applied filter on the online Excel before querying by Power Automate.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Apisit Phetchakan.
To clear all the filters from your table you can create an Office Script to clear the filters.
Then you will use the Power Automate flow's connector "Run Script" and execute the filter from the table.
When someone applies a filter without clearing it in the Excel Online Editor, this filter is applied for everyone else, including your flow. Therefore you won't be able to read the data which are filtered out by this filter. As indicated in the official documentation (
Hello Bof, @v-bofeng-msft
Really appreciated for your reply.
I have already done this way before but it was not solved my problem.
Hi @aphetchakan :
You can get more rows returned by setting a higher value for the pagination settings.
Best Regards,
Hello @v-bofeng-msft,
Thanks for the replying. The issue will not be happed if the number of record is not too much, probably lesser than a thousand. When the number of row is greater than 1,500, we will be facing an issue of not found the record behind the filtered.
First screenshot I produced the case by not making the filter applied, it is working fine.
The second screenshot, I reproduced the case by applied the filter, so I could not find the record as expected.
Thank you,
Hi @aphetchakan :
Could you tell me what action you used to get rows?
I've made a test but did not encountered the problem you mentioned:
1\My excel documents are saved in Onedrive. I first use "Filter" to hide some rows
2\My flow
3\The Result
Although I did not clear the filter rules, I still got all the rows
Best Regards,