Hi all.
Thanks in advance for your support.
I'm not sure whether this would be possible, but certainly it would help a lot. I want to sum the values in a table field (CDS), similar to the SQL instruction "Select SUM(field_name) as total_amount from <table_name>" (returning the total amount in the <total_amount> field).
I tried something like this using the LIST RECORDS action, but it didn't work (see image). Does anyone know a way to do that??
This is the error received:
Term 'sum(clth_gross_billable_value) as valor_tributavel_total, sum(clth_invoice_item_value) as valor_faturavel_total' is not valid in a $select or $expand expression.
(PS: The solution of (1) initializing a float variable and (2) adding the values to the variable within a for_each action is what I am doing right now, and it works... if it was possible to do what I wanted, it would be much better tough.)
Thank you very much.
Best regards.
Thank you, @Helpful . I'll try FetchXML to do this... it seems it's going to help me in lots of things.
Best regards.
Hey @MarceloBarroso, you could use FetchXml with aggregate values.
Something like this: Using FetchXML with List records in CDS current environment
Using this approach I saw crazy performance improvement compared to nested loops.
Hi @v-siky-msft
Thank you very much that. I thought it wouldn't be possible, but decided to ask anyway. At least we know Flow has a large road to improve yet, we may expect a lot for the years ahead.
Thank you for the reference on oData query, it will be much helpful.
Best wishes.
Hi @MarceloBarroso ,
Select is a query option from OData service, unlike the Select instruction in SQL Server. it allows the clients to requests a limited set of properties for each entity, see System Query Option $select .
Hence, your requirement can't be achieved. The workaround for now is, as you said, initializing a variable and adding the values to the variable within a Apply_to_each action to sum a column. There is no better method for that in flow at present.
Hope this helps.