I'm trying to make customer database in Sharepoint document library in which all the customer related data are managed like ordered date and ordered product.
I made some filter columns by metadata so that I can sort all the files in the library by these filter including customer group and product group.
The problem is when I make or upload new file and folder, these files is not categorized by metadata at the beginning though I can assign each metadata item afterwards.
Especially in the case there are thousands of files in the library, it is so difficult to find unassigned file.
So what I want to do is to make action window open in which I input and assign metadata items likes product and customer information when I make or upload new file.
This library will be used by my team member as well as myself, so I want to let this library as straightforward as possible.
I wonder if this procedure is possible to make but it would be helpful if you have any advice.
Best regards