Looking to create a calendar item at 1pm exactly 365 days after an e-mail with certain criteria is received. First time I have ever tried to use Flow and trying to use @adddays but having no luck.
Any help greatly appreciated!
Hi @Anonymous,
Could you please share a screenshot of your flow's configuration?
Do you want to create a Calendar event at 1pm exactly after 365 days after an email is received?
I suppose that you use the "Delay Until" action could achieve your needs in your flow, is it true?
But there is a limit in the Run Duration of a single flow run. The max Run Duration of a single flow run is 30 days, if you use the "Delay Until" action to achieve your needs, you could only delay until 30 days after at most. In others words, you could only at most add 30 days within the @addDays function typed in the Timestamp field of the "Delay Until" action:
If you want to create a Calendar event at 1pm exactly after 365 days after an email is received, I afraid that there is no way to achieve your needs in Microsoft Flow currently. If you would like this feature to be added in Microsoft Flow, please submit an idea to Flow Ideas Forum:
Please check and see if the following thread would help you understand the "Do Until" action:
More details about the Run duration and retention limitation of a single flow run, please check the following article:
Run duration and retention limit of a single flow run
Best regards,