Hi everyone,
I am trying to figure out how to fix an issue and I'm not really sure where to start. Basically, we have a user who is no longer with our organization. So, I went through and updated any flows with this person connected to them and replaced them with a different account. However, I have one flow that I cannot for the life of me figure out why they're still showing.
This person still shows in the "Connections in use"
However, when I expand every piece of the flow... they aren't showing in ANY of the connections. I cannot figure out how to get this person unlisted from this flow. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice? Are there places I am not looking? Happy to provide additional info if needed.
Hi all,
A delayed reply, but hopefully the following details help people who are still getting this problem and find this page.
* This problem still appears to be showing up for me. *
However, if you have checked the connections within the flow as explained by jinivthakka above, and used manage Connection to Switch user, then I believe that will have done the trick.
There are 2 places where it seems to be slow to show the updated details, and this has caused me confusion in the past.
1. Flow details / overview screen where you can see the connections and the run history. The connections here seem to take about 30 minutes before they are updated with the most recent connection account details.
2. Owners and Connections in Use screen. Like your screenshot above, the Embedded connections section with Connections in use listed *This is the most problematic screen, and seems to display the out of date details for quite a long time* If you click manage connections from here the real updated details are shown, but I have seen it on numerous occaions show out of date details here for days. 😞
However, this is a display error. It does seem to actually use the updated connection accounts.
Hope that helps someone.
Does anyone have any other ideas about why this is happening and what can be done to fix it?
Hi @jinivthakkar - I have done this - the issue is that this person is not in any of the associated connections. They're all completely different emails.
@tdwils please check all actions and connections associated with it, on some action it might be still having connection reference of earlier user, find it and change it and then if you remove it from connections of flow it will disappear.
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