I have created a powerflow to create email in timeline of an account. The email is getting created but recipients is not getting set. Here is the payload
"organization": "https://xxx.crm6.dynamics.com",
"entityName": "emails",
"item/description": "Test body",
"item/regardingobjectid_account_email@odata.bind": "accounts/981e8336-xxx-xxxx-a81c-6045bd3cf716",
"item/subject": "Test",
"item/torecipients": "mkxxx@yahoo.com"
Hi @mkokabi ,
By default, the 'To' field is associated with 3 tables, 'user' table, 'account' table and the 'contact' table.
If you want to use account table as the related table, please try to get the set name of account table first.
In your case, it should be 'accounts'.
Then you need to get the guid of the record.
If you want to associate the first record it should be- accounts(c645ef92-9a09-ee11-8f6e-002248ec6139)
Best Regards,
Hi Wearsky,
Thanks foe your help.
I don't understand the usage of systemusers(<Guid>). Basically, what I want is set the To field. The value is comming from another field which is related to account.
Hi @mkokabi ,
Is this what you want?
"entityName": "emails",
"item/activitypointer_activity_parties": [
"participationtypemask": 2,
"partyid@odata.bind": "systemusers(<guid>)"
"item/description": "Test",
Best Regards,