I have a complex spreadsheet that is updated by multiple people, with the final output of a few dozen rows and around 20 columns active at one time (new rows created, worked, then retired, each managed by a different person) with data about active projects. That data (and some narrative info, not contained in Excel) is presented weekly via PowerPoint deck. Each project owner is required to enter, then update the data in both Excel and PowerPoint.
The goal is to automate updating the PP deck; each slide populated with the current data from the spreadsheet so the PMs only have to update the spreadsheet. Data in Excel row 7 would be populated on slide 7, row 14 on slide 14, etc. So Contract # on row 7 is shown as Contract # on PP slide 7. The fields are a 1:1 map. For each column there is a corresponding field on the PP slides.
The rows change position based on what's active (e.g. when the project on row 2 is retired, row 9 becomes row 8, and row 15 becomes row 14, etc). As the rows are created and retired and/or data updated, the deck would be updated to display the most current information. Ideally, I'd like the row creation/deletion to drive the creation, deletion and updating of all deck pages, but that is probably too complex, so will plan to manage creating and deleting deck pages manually, just using this to keep the data fresh.
I tried using a mail merge through Word (this is sort of a dynamic merge into PP if that were available) into PP but it required almost as much manual work as just updating the deck. Any suggestions on how to do this, or is Power Automate the wrong approach for this?