Hello fellow Flowers !
I am stuck with a quite big question :
How to launch a Azure WebJob from Flow ?
I've found Tarjei's article "Trigger an Azure web job from MS FLow in O365", and I did create my HTTP action, but something is really bothering me though :
You store your webjob's username and user password into your flow.
Is it possible to create another action ? or even a custom connector ? Do you know how to do this ?
Thanks a lot for your time, I hope we'll find together the solution to my problem.
Hi @v-yamao-msft !
Finally I found a solution to my initial problem (which was creating an azure function with the old runtime).
So i did not investigate more on that problem of security in the webjobs.
But I think that your solution of creating a custom connector within flow should be the good one (after all, that's what i'm doing with Azure Function App).
Thanks a lot !
HAve a nice day,
Hi @Anonymous,
It would be possible create a custom connector then register it with Microsoft Flow.
More details about create custom connectors in Microsoft Flow, please check the following docs:
Best regards,
Mabel Mao