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Excel formulas and microsoft flow - rules & guidelines

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Hi there, i crafted a simple microsoft flow to transport details from a microsoft forms into a sharepoint excel document. 

some of the cells have formulas that depends on the inputs from the microsoft forms. 


I observe that certain formulas do get port over when a new entry is input through microsoft forms but some don't. 

is there like a rule or guidelines to craft the right formulas? 



1) i observe that my new entries are not autofilling the serial numbers under the s/n column. i plan to have a simple formula like =A3+1 for the A4 cell


2) i also observe formulas to calculate the difference between the previous and latest input not to be working 

[@xyz delta]=IF([@xyz ]-OFFSET([@xyz ],-1,0,1,1)<0,0,([@xyz ]-OFFSET([@xyz ],-1,0,1,1))) 


3) but i observe that formula to calculate the moving average for the last cells in a column to be working and calculates automatically when new inputs come through onto the excel file. 

=AVERAGE(OFFSET([@[xyz Delta]],COUNT([@[xyz Delta]])-3,0,3,1))

  • murshed Profile Picture
    murshed on at
    Re: Excel formulas and microsoft flow - rules & guidelines

    Hi @xacler 

    I am still waiting for more information. I will post if I hear anything back. Can you please tell me more about your task so that we can discuss a workaround?

  • murshed Profile Picture
    murshed on at
    Re: Excel formulas and microsoft flow - rules & guidelines

    Hi @xacler 

    I will get more information on this.

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