I have a Azure SQL server with two database, DB1 and DB2, and I have created connections to these databases. And these connection works correctly on PowerApps
Then I created a Flow to execute SQL query on DB2 using the connection created for DB2, but it returns error "could not find the tables", but if I enter query to select from tables in DB1, it works. I also try to call stored procedure, it shows the name of the sp on DB2, I chosed it, but it says could not find the sp when test run... does anyone have any idea what may goes wrong? or it's a bug ?
I'm having a similar issue. I have 4 MS SQL databases connected within the same server (standard SQL, not Azure).
I set up a test flow to execute a stored procedure in one database, then a stored procedure in a different database. The top procedure is configured to use DB1. The second stored procedure to use DB2.
Running the test on this flow shows me which connections it will try to use, and it reports using DB1 for both procedures. If I change the values in the test run interface it works properly when executed. However, it should be pulling from the connections I have selected on each procedure in the flow editor.
I tried to use "Get Tables" on both connections, they all return the tables from DB1, none from DB2. This has to be a bug