Hi CFernandes,
I had a similar problem with the "Get File Content" SharePoint action but with an error code of "401":
still getting the same error on flow.
This is how the formula looks like in powerapps :
UpdateContext({varPDF:RenderPdfFiles.Run(Substitute(Substitute(Gallery1.Selected.'Link to item',"%20",""),Gallery1.Selected.'Full Path',Blank()),Gallery1.Selected.'Full Path')});Navigate(Imprest_attached_Files_1,ScreenTransition.Fade)
Hey Mate @kanathi
I assume you are using "Get File Content" SharePoint Action and passing ID parameter from Power APPS -
The Formula I assume looks something like this in Power Apps-
If yes, I do not see any problems with your Power Automate - Please remove the Flow in your PowerAPPs are re-associate it.
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