I'm trying to create a simple flow for a SharePoint subsite list update.
The problem is Flow won't recognize any subsites, only top level Sharepoint Site Collections.
Is there something i'm missing?
Thanks in advance
Hi all, we currently don't support lists within SP hosted add-ins. This is on our roadmap and we hope to address it within the next few months.
I have a similar issue . I cannot get Flow to connect to SP lists within SP hosted add-ins ( lists that run within an appweb) . I am trying to get support for a connector to lists within an appweb so users can use Flow with addins that are sold in the Office SharePoint store... I believe it is an issue with the way authentication is handled within the appweb - ACS versus AAD. We will see.... Fingers crossed 🙂
Thanks for the link, i'll submit it there.
Give it a try yourself to see what i mean. really hope it will work soon!
Yes, I think it will show the sharepoint list.
But feel free to submit your idea here.
CC @merwan
Hi kkurni,
I think i wrongly asssumed that because the "Issue Tracking" is a list based app (SharePoint Store > Add Apps: issue tracking), that i could connect to it via the Flow.
The only Lists i can view from the Flow are Custom lists (I built two as a test and trhey are the only ones that appear). Hopefully this will change, or there's a workaround.
Would you mind to take the screenshot how you setup the flow and where the issue are ?
What do you mean with "Issue Tracking" list ?
Had a friend check it out.
Seems I can't add because It was only seeing Custom loists for me.
Isn't able to see the standard "issue tracking" list.