Is there a way to convert a Hex String,coming from a HTTP Request, to Text in a Flow?
I can't see what base64 has to do with this 🤔
Hex2Ascii (Compose)
Add more values from Ascii table
"21": "!",
"30": "0",
"31": "1",
"41": "A",
"42": "B",
"61": "a",
"62": "b",
"63": "c"
chunk('6162633031', 2)
join(body('Select'), '')
There exists such thing as "byte array" in Power Automate? Really?
Where can I read about that?
I am being a bit slow, I am struggling with the first compose action on how to convert the Hex String to byte array.
Hi @Skybluekid
Yes, you can convert a Hex String to Text in a Power Automate flow. You can use the "Compose" action to convert the Hex String to a byte array, and then use the "Data Operations - Compose" action with the expression base64ToString(outputs('Compose')) to convert the byte array to Text. This will give you the Text representation of the Hex String in your flow.