I have recently switched over from Microsoft Planner to Microsoft Lists as the latter allows for a lot more configurability. All my lists are similar and have an assignee (a single user). One feature that was useful in Planner was "Assigned to me", which pulled tasks across all plans in all teams and showed them in one place. Is it possible to do something similar in Lists? As an extension, is it possible to have this filter for all assignees i.e. as a manager, can I look at the tasks assigned to each member of my department (across all lists in all Teams)?
The support page led me to see all my lists in one place, but I am not sure if I can add a search query that will find me all tasks assigned to me/another user. I originally posted this here, but was redirected to this community.
Would the flow require me to aggregate all tasks in one place (e.g. an Excel sheet) and then
@sarvps ,
You cannot search for a column name like that. What you can search for are the values in the column.
If you have a managed property for the column (e.g. Title), you can search for items with a that contain a specific word like this
Read about SharePoint search and managed properties here:
Manage the search schema in SharePoint - SharePoint in Microsoft 365 | Microsoft Learn
Hi @SudeepGhatakNZ , I tried a few searches but wasn't able to get the desired results. Any way you could share a sample search? All my lists have an "Assignee" field and I tried searching for just "Assignee" on Sharepoint, but didn't get any results
@sarvps ,
Rather than using Power Automate, you should leverage SharePoint or Microsoft Search.
You can create a Search query with a filter on the Assigned to (or whatever it is named in your case) field to return results from all sites in SP.
Get started with Microsoft Search in SharePoint Online | Microsoft Learn