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Power Automate Copy CSV File From BLOB to OneDrive is not updated

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I'm creating a flow to move the contents or if possible the file itself from BLOB Container to User's One Drive. I have a Power App button that triggers this flow and opens on another tab after finishing the process.




On Step 2 of my Flow there's an Azure Data Factory that creates the CSV file into the BLOB location i'm pointing in the next succeeding actions. 




When I ran this the first time, the flow fails 




But the file should be there because the GET BLOB CONTENT is on Step 3 in which file has been already created in STEP 2 during the Pipeline run. If I ran this again there will be no issue since the file is already there but here's what I noticed.


The GET BLOB CONTENT is not getting the runtime contents of the BLOB file, it's only getting what's already in the BLOB container itself.


Another example:

              1st run of flow: CSV file generated in BLOB has 4 records, One Drive file copied has 0 records

              2nd run of flow: CSV file generated in BLOB has 6 records, One Drive file copied has 4 records

              3rd run of flow: CSV file generated in BLOB has 12 records, One Drive file copied has 6 records


It's getting the previous records not the records generated after the Data Factory pipeline run. Is there a workaround on this?


  • RobotRising Profile Picture
    RobotRising 402 on at
    Re: Power Automate Copy CSV File From BLOB to OneDrive is not updated

    Glad I could help......

  • Verified answer
    RazenC Profile Picture
    RazenC on at
    Re: Power Automate Copy CSV File From BLOB to OneDrive is not updated

    I've figured out a way how to get the run id of the pipeline and check whether the run is successful using DO UNTIL.



    @RobotRising thanks for giving the info on using DO UNTIL and found a way to implement it. 

  • RobotRising Profile Picture
    RobotRising 402 on at
    Re: Power Automate Copy CSV File From BLOB to OneDrive is not updated

    This guide will help you build a dountil The Ultimate Guide To Using Do Until Loops in Power Automate - Acuity Training 


    You can have it get the blob content and compare it to what you expect then stop when it has the right amount in the response then move on in your flow 


    I am making an assumption here that the create a pipeline action is just a submit action and will move right onto the get blob content which. The pipeline creation likely has not completed in time. 


    You can test this by adding a 5 minute delay after the create pipeline action and see if the get blob content is more accurate after that delay. If it is, that is what is happening and a do until is the best solve for that scenario. 


    🌟 If I have helped give me a thumbs up! 👍
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  • RazenC Profile Picture
    RazenC on at
    Re: Power Automate Copy CSV File From BLOB to OneDrive is not updated

    I'll check that out. Any links would you recommend? I'm assuming while the PIPELINE is running as the same time as this flow. I thought the GET BLOB CONTENT action only run when the PIPELINE run is FINISHED on ADF Level not on Power Automate. 

  • RobotRising Profile Picture
    RobotRising 402 on at
    Re: Power Automate Copy CSV File From BLOB to OneDrive is not updated

    I wonder if this is a timing issue or a refresh issue. I haven't worked with pipelines much but I have run into issue that look similar like adding rows to an excel file which can take sometimes upwards of 10 minutes to reflect. 


    you might want to run the get blog content action in a do until action and only have it proceed when it gives back the number of items you are expecting. 


    🌟 If I have helped give me a thumbs up! 👍
    If I have answered your question, please mark it as solved ✅

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