Good afternoon,
I am trying to send an email through the option "Send an email notification (V3)" (maybe it is not exactly like this, as it is a direct translation from Spanish) inside a Power Automate Flow that is called when pressing a button inside a Power Apps. The sending of the email is done correctly and all the program or execution logic works fine. However, I am having a problem with the encoding of the email. All the content is written in Spanish, and when the email arrives to my mailbox I am unable to see properly the <´> character (widely used in Spanish over the vowels). Up to the moment, I have not seen any option that allows me changing the enconding of the emails... Somebody in other forums suggested writing something directly in Spanish so that the enconding was set automatically. But still does not work. Does somedoby know how to fix this issue? Sending badly encoded emails is not an option for me...
Thanks in advance,
Yes, try to do that using Outlook connector. If it will solve the problem with right encoding, the problem with sent items is just a peace of cake.
Hello Victor,
First of all thank you for your answer and help. I have checked and I have not such option. The only option I have is that of sending an email notification, which I think it is just sending an email. Attached you can find an image of the exact action I am talking about. I know there is another option using MS Outlook account but I don't want to use it as it need permission from the user using the app and the email being sent appears in the sent folder of the user using the app. It is not exactly the behaviour I was looking for. Briefly stated, I just want the app to send an email to the current user.
Did you try to send an email instead of sending an email notification?