I have a flow set up in a shared mailbox. I cannot get it to run. Apparently, the first time I set this up, I named the folder to look in incorrectly. The error is shown here. I added an "s" to the folder name "purchase order"
This is the original error and the details:
I've since gone back and fixed it multiple times by selecting the folder within the window. Though I corrected it the flow will not run and each time I go back to edit it, it shows the correct folder, yet the flow will not run and the error message still shows about triggering.
Can someone please help with this. I am not a flow expert and not a power app designer but have used it succesfully in the past. Thanks
Thanks, I complete redid the flow and this time selected the folder instead of naming it and that error went away. However, it still does not work. I have posted the subsequent problem here in case you can help: https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/General-Flow-Discussion/Cannot-get-flow-to-work-No-errors-but-nothing-happens/m-p/328843#M27777
A good rule of thumb is when you change anything at the top of a Flow you go down below it and delete and replace anything that refers to that step or trigger. Even if it looks like it is the same it is not! I am not sure why...I don't have a good explanation on this but I have spent more time than I care to admit on this exact same thing just to find that is all it took to make my Flow go.
Good luck!