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SharePoint search api

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I'm looking for a way to retrieve all files modified after a given time on SharePoint.

I've tried accessing the endpoints _api/web/lists/getbytitle (Query 1), which only seems to return folders and _api/web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl (Query 2), which only returns files in a given folder


Is there a way to search all files changed after a certain date in a document library?


This is the documentation I'm using:


Query 1'Project%20Files')/items?$filter= Modified gt '2022-09-30T12:56:11'


Query 2'Project%20Files')/files?$filter= Modified gt '2022-09-30T12:56:11'

  • Verified answer
    rolanddaane Profile Picture
    rolanddaane 73 on at
    Re: SharePoint search api

    THanks, and indeed I think I need to use the search api

  • Expiscornovus Profile Picture
    Expiscornovus 31,144 on at
    Re: SharePoint search api

    Hi @rolanddaane,


    You queries look ok.


    Can you try this Uri as a test. I included the FileLeafRef. Sometimes titles of files can be empty:


    _api/web/lists/getbytitle('Documents')/items?$filter=Modified gt '2022-09-30T12:56:11'&$expand=FieldValuesAsText&$select=FileLeafRef



    Btw, Microsoft does have a separate Search API endpoint.







    I would also have a look at that specific endpoint:



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