Hello dear community!
I created a flow to "Export a File For PowerBI Report" and then e-mail the file. An Error occurs when opening the Exported file generated by PowerAutomate saying the file is corrupted and cannot be opened. I tried to select PDF and PPTX file from the PowerBI extraction and I also guaranteed to write the extension in the file name I send from the email.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
My flow:
My configurations:
Thanks in advance for all the good souls active in
Thank you all. Had the same issue and this fixed it. Reselecting was a critical part of the equation.
Yess, Forgot to mention that you need to reselect the power bi content file again in your email step 🙂
Thank you very much @XYZUser that was the right solution 😄
Although it was not enough to just hit the toggle, I also had to reselect the output from the PowerBI step in my email step for it to work. But now it works!
This seems to be a bug in power automate new designer. I was also facing this issue earlier.
If you go back to the old designer (by disabling the new designer toggle present in top-right), then it'll surely work fine.
I have exactly the same issue and error message (also tried PPT but also says the file is corrupt) - would love if someone had a solution for this!
The exports work fine when I do them directly from the PowerBI report...
It should be a small attachment since it is only a one-page report from PowerBI.
Where can I see the size of the file generated by the "Export from PowerBI" automation? (I tried downloading it, but it was saved as a JSON and I could not open that)
The error I receive from Adobe Reader is:
How large is the attachment? Base64 strings have a low size limit.
No, this "Base64" appeared after I saved the flow. Before saving, the text was like this:
The codes that appear are:
* BI Export:
Are you trying to Base64 encode the file twice?