I have a problem with power automate refresh token.
My flow fails by some users, this are always different users.
I have a powerapps trigger and an email v2 trigger.
I have other apps with the same thing that i had created a little while ago and they have it not for the moment.
If I then republish the power app, they can do it, but others have that problem and this does not always work. I don't think this is the intention either, it should always work without republication.
The problem is that the current flow then fails due to the email trigger with the error below.
How can i fix it?
Error message:
Action send_email is mislukt: Error from token exchange: Runtime call was blocked because connection has error status: Enabled| Error, and office365 is in the block list. Connection errors: [ParameterName: token, Error: Code: Unauthorized, Message: 'Failed to refresh access token for service: aadcertificate. Correlation Id=3cf72c8b-fd1d-4e8e-bc76-8f396f119527, UTC TimeStamp=1/15/2025 8:47:35 AM, Error: Failed to acquire token from AAD: {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"AADSTS700082: The refresh token has expired due to inactivity. The token was issued on 2024-08-29T17:01:52.2794289Z and was inactive for 90.00:00:00. Trace ID: e0c7cb19-2cac-4ccf-b526-afd3b87d0f00 Correlation ID: 605f2d4d-108e-4fe0-a915-fc24822daea8 Timestamp: 2025-01-15 08:47:35Z","error_codes":[700082],"timestamp":"2025-01-15 08:47:35Z","trace_id":"e0c7cb19-2cac-4ccf-b526-afd3b87d0f00","correlation_id":"605f2d4d-108e-4fe0-a915-fc24822daea8","error_uri":"https://login.windows.net/error?code=700082"}']