I received this error a few times, likely because my oData filter query in an SQL Get Rows action is too long.
"The node count limit of '100' has been exceeded."
Any workarounds for this or any way to shorten a query like this?
Project eq '24-045' or Project eq '23-051' or Project eq '23-058' or Project eq '24-002' or Project eq '23-079' or Project eq '24-008' or Project eq '23-040' or Project eq '22-058' or Project eq '23-087' or Project eq '24-023' or Project eq '24-024' or Project eq '23-017' or Project eq '23-052' or Project eq '24-021' or Project eq '23-003' or Project eq '21-116' or Project eq '22-019' or Project eq '23-011' or Project eq '22-040'
When I get up to about 21 'or' operators, the flow fails (some of the time). My Select statement has about 13 columns, but I need all of those.
Thanks, any help would be greatly appreciated.
The stored procedure method worked! Need to supply a comma-separated list to the procedure (@ProjectList) with no spaces after the commas: 23-058,23-052,24-004,22-028, etc.
The only trick within PowerApps, where I return the queried table records, is that the JSON from the stored procedure call has a table within it. So in PowerApps, the records are buried one level inside the table, and I had to adjust my Power Automate run call to pick up this table.
I am going to try a stored procedure, then just call the procedure and pass in my dynamic project list as a parameter). I think that would not be limited by this being an on-premises database.
That was a great idea but I got this error. This is an on-prem SQL Database.
Instead of get rows you can use execute query in which in operator would be supported
Thanks, but unfortunately, within the oData query property of the Get Rows action, the 'in' operator is not allowed. I tried this and it returns an error. Let me know if you have used this successfully.