I'm trying to use PA to create a public drop box folder with files within which are view only. ie people can add files to the folder, but then their permission is taken away and they can only view that file, but can continue to add documents.
I am creating a view/edit sharing link for the folder.
Then using HTTP request, breaking inheritance on the file. (I'm not sure if the 'stop sharing' Action is the same)
Then creating a view only sharing link for the file.
However, if i send the Folder link, the file is still view/edit. If it send the file link, it's view only. If that person then opens the folder link AFTER opening the file link, that file is successfully view only. But that is too many steps.
How can i allow people with the folder view/edit link to view only the files inside it?
I imagine i want to be able to 'shre everything in this folder even with unique permissions? but I cant.
I do have 'anyone with the link can view' permission to share.
I have no idea how to get this to work.