I have a workflow that needs to check to see if an email attachment has already been uploaded to a specific SharePoint folder. I need it to check for the filename without extension.
I have tried a few different things , without success.
Currently I am using the Get Files (properties only) action. *I then have a filter array, filtered to see if the Get Files dynamic value "Name" is equal to the Outlook Attachment Name (trimmed to remove the extension) *Then I am taking the length of the filter array to see if it equals 0
If it equals 0, it will create the file in the folder If it is not equal to 0, it means the file already exists and it will not create the file in the folder
Results: The flow isn't performing as expected and instead is resulting in everything being a new file and creates it in the folder. It's not looking just for the file name, it's looking at the file extension as well (which I don't want to do) Some users might upload with .xlsx and others with .xls , so we only care about the file name.
I figured out another way to make this work. I replaced the SharePoint Get Files (properties only) action with the SharePoint List Files action.