I am trying to create an appointment through Power Automate using the Dataverse "Get a Row" and "Add a New Row" operations. I will set the "regarding" on the appointment against an account and set "owner" as current user. Both of which are hard coded right now for debugging. The goal is to pass these values from a PowerApp.
This is my current flow.
I am running into this error -
OpenApiOperationParameterTypeConversionFailed. The 'inputs.parameters' of workflow operation 'Add_a_new_row_(legacy)' of type 'OpenApiConnection' is not valid. Error details: Input parameter 'item/_ownerid_value' is required to be of type 'String/uuid'. The runtime value '"Users(d7c6b0dc-9b66-e911-a87c-000d3a30c619)"' to be converted doesn't have the expected format 'String/uuid'.
Seems like it is expecting the GUID in a specific format and I am not passing that to its liking..
Question 1 - Need help in debugging this. Not a lot of help on this topic.
Question 2 - If values are to be passed from PowerApp, should the format be GUID? or TEXT?
Thank you for your response. For some reason, it's not working with that format 😞
However, it accepted the Accounts GUID without the "/accounts" when GUID was directly passed from PowerApp. It is also automatically defaulting to user as Owner without the passing of GUID.
It'd be nice if Microsoft has documentation with examples.
First I would recommend not to use the legacy connector.
Second you need to use the internal schema names of the tables and put a / in front. This is case sensitive.
Here are 2 examples:
In the brackets you need to put the GUID of the systemuser or Account in your other case.