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Power Automate - Power Automate Desktop
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Error encountered when connecting to machines

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I tried to execute a Desktop Flow but I have this error message: Action 'Run_a_flow_built_with_Power_Automate_for_desktop' failed: No machine able to run the desktop flow has been found. Aborting execution. Error encountered when connecting to machines: There is a user session on the target machine. Cannot execute unattended desktop flow.
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  • Suggested answer
    eetuRobo Profile Picture
    eetuRobo 2,604 on at
    Error encountered when connecting to machines
    The error message indicates that there is a user session on the target machine. What machine are you trying to run the Desktop flow on?
    Is it the same that you are currently using? If so then either sign out of the machine and run the flow again. Or if its remote desktop make sure it is signed out and not just disconnected.

    Or change the Run Mode to Attended so that it runs while you are logged in to your machine.

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