HELP, I have been perplexing over this simple step in my FLOW and i need to make this work ..
1. i have a trigger : When a file in created in SharePoint (the expected created file is an excel file)
2. Get Rows in Excel , then For each row in the Excel file I need to create a Record in Common Data Source Entity
3. All fields in the CDS entity are available in the Excel file (as i have used Export Template to Excel from the custom CDS entity)
4. For non-Numeric fields in my CDS entity, i can dynamically match them to the input Excel file's columns
5. However for NUMERIC fields in CDS entity, nothing shows up for me to choose for dynamically updating the CDS numeric field . (i.e. the Get Rows outputs is not even displayed ! )
hi @v-xida-msft,
I have tried your recommended step to create expression to extract the excel numeric fields to update my CDS Entity numeric field
It only worked for 1 column, the rest of the excel numeric columns when used in the function INT
@v-xida-msft I will try your workaround to extract the number column from the excel Get Rows using your expression and get back to you . thanks in advance.
Hi @JenVitug,
Could you please expand the "List rows present in a table" action within your flow?
Do you use the "List rows present in table" action to retrieve rows from the new file created in your SharePoint library (use the "When a file is created in a folder" trigger to detect)?
Further, could you please show a bit more about your Excel file?
If you use the "List rows present in table" action to retrieve rows from the new file created in your SharePoint library (use the "When a file is created in a folder" trigger to detect), I afraid that there is no way to achieve your needs in Microsoft Flow currently.
Specifying a file dynamically is not supported in the "List rows present in table" action of Excel Online (Business) connector, you could only specify the file through File Browser.
I have made a test and the issue is confirmed on my side. If you could dynamically match Excel file's columns within the other non-Numeric fields of the "Create a new record" action, you could take a try with the following formula to reference the Number column in your Excel file:
I have made a test on my side and please take a try with the following workaround:
Note: The Amount column is a Number type field in my CDS entity. on your side, you should type the following formula within the Number field (YTD Actuals field):
int(item()?['YTD Actuals'])
The value you get from your Excel table is text value, you should convert the text value into number value to match the Number field of your CDS Entity as above formula.
More details about using expression in flow actions, please check the following article:
Use expression in flow actions
Best regards,