Hi all, i am trying to create power automate flow to send an email when an item in a Sharepoint list is modified based on item value changed.
For example, i had the column in the SharePoint List called "Cable left". If the value of "Cable left" changed, it will send an email.
I found that Microsoft provided the template for the captioned subject but how can i set the condition that if value of "Cable left" increase or decrease, it will send email?
Would anyone can help me?
Thank you very much.
Sorry for my poor english.
Thank you very much!!!
I follow your method, it is error on difference and old value, the error is:
Unable to process template language expressions in action 'Difference' inputs at line '0' and column '0': 'The template language function 'int' was invoked with a parameter that is not valid. The value cannot be converted to the target type.'.
Would you please tell how to change the old value?
Below screenshot for your reference:
Send an HTTP request to SharePoint
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Hey @AT_AlanTse123
So, I tried it on my end. This is how my flow looks like:
In old value compose I used the following expression:
In New Value I am getting the new value for the above column, you can get the value of cables left.
C1 is the column for me:
After this I am just taking out the difference of both the above, if it is negative then the value decreased if it is positive then the value decreased.
Expression I have used:
My old value was 10, New value is 40. So, the difference came out 30.
I know its a little complicated. If you want to try you can, otherwise just ignore. 😉
Thank for your guide, but next step is send an http request to sharepoint or other?
I tested send an http request to sharepoint and follow previous method that cause error
After this use Get item action. Then take the column for which the value has changed. Then just find the difference between them. Something like this:
It is worked, thank you very much for your help.
Ok, it is not be able to determine it increased or decreased
That's the way it is
But when I tried this, I noticed something. It will only give you a true or false value for the column changed. It will not tell you the previous value. 😞
So, you will not be able to determine it increased or decreased.
It gave I was using it incorrectly. Haha.
Oh saw the mistake:
I just tried it on my end and it worked. You have directly written the expression. Do something like this:
Just paste the following directly in your uri:
_api/web/lists/getByTitle('CLPeS Cable Store')/items(@{triggerOutputs()?['body/ID']})/versions(@{outputs('Get_changes_for_an_item_or_a_file_(properties_only)')?['body/SinceVersionId']})
Hopefully it works this time.
I do that but still has error : bad request , below is the flow in edit mode:
Error message
Thank you very much.
I edited my above comment to paste this expression after versions:
Did you do that? still getting error, if yes, send the ss of both the flow in edit mode and the error in run history.
Thank you for your reply.
I try to refer your suggestion to update the uri and run again.
It showed the error:
Cannot find resource for the request version.
but i had enable versioning