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Create Developer Environments Programmatically

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Hello Forum,
I'm looking for a way to create developer environments with Power Automate. I am an admin, and we don't allow users to spin up their own environment. They must go through a request process and I'd like to automate the creation of these environments once they've gone through the proper approval channels. I've had a look at the out of the box connectors and it those don't appear to support creating on behalf of a user. I know it must be possible, but I haven't found a way yet. Has anyone found a way to do this, perhaps with the graph API? 
Thanks in advance. Also.. why the heck do I have to pick a category when posting that has nothing to do with my question?? My only options are licensing and process advisor.. c'mon MS!
  • Suggested answer
    Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 64,703 on at
    Create Developer Environments Programmatically
    There is an action in the Power Platform Admin connector for Creating Environments, but it doesn't support Developer environments. It can be done using PowerShell.  New-AdminPowerAppEnvironment (Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell) | Microsoft Learn But I don't see a parameter in that command for creating a developer environment on Behalf of Someone else.

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