Hi! Thank you for this session
My question is not related to PAYG, but to Desktop flows and Unattended licenses. We bought an unattended license and we currently have 2 cloud flows calling 2 different desktop flows in 2 different VMs. Flows in each machine get queued if there is another flow running in the VM.
We'd like to explore setting up windows server to allow for multiplce user sessions to run multiple flows concurrently. How licensing will be impacted by this? for now we have 1 unattended license and that has served us to run 2 differetn desktop flows. Would like to know a bit more about what 1 license means and at which point an additional one will be required
Thanks so much!
Many thanks again.
That's correct - happy to help!
Ohhhh I see! That is super helpful, thank you so much!
I understand better your message now, so as soon as we want to start running the SAME flow at the same time (concurrently), then is when we need additional licenses. Otherwise, they are going to queue and run one after the other.
Is this statement close to how it works?
Thank you again
Yes! Our licensing guide goes into this in some more detail under the "Power Automate unattended RPA add-on" section:
Thank you, for now we have 2 different VMs with 2 different flows, and all is running with 1 license. it's quite confusing.
Do you know where I can some documentation on this matter? I've tried researching but it's not clear 100%
Hi @mgrachii , purchase of multiple unattended add-ons enables you to run multiple unattended flow runs in parallel. You can run multiple unattended flows with a single unattended add-on though they may be run sequentially depending on available resources.
Running multiple unattended flows on a single VM only consumes one license as far as I know. Its when you start running them on multiple VMs that you need additional add-on licenses