In attempting to use a connector from "Common Data Service (current environment)," I have the connector connected (twice, now, to be sure) and need to use the List Rows from that connector for the fetch xml functionality. I have hit an impasse in that, though the connector is there, and connected (demonstrated in the below screen shot), ...
... the Common Data Service (current environment) connector does not appear as an option from within my Flow:
The List Records block shown above does not have the fetch xml functionality:
How can I get my Flow to recognize the connector, Common Data Service (current environment)?
Thank you for you help.
Common Data Service (current environment) is available only to Flows created from within Solutions.
I'm not sure what I was thinking trying to create a Flow from within My Flows.
Furthermore, Flows created from within My Flows that are then imported into a Solution to not gain access to the Common Data Service (current environment) connector, or, at least this one did not, so consider that one confirmed data point.
Krishna! You may (or may not) remember me, but you have helped me 2 or 3 times professionally in recent months.
First, thank you for helping me here, too.
Unfortunately, your advice does not seem to have the same results on my end that they do on yours:
List records:
Common Data Service (current environment) is not listed:
List Rows: All:
List Rows: Premium:
This is starting to feel less like a "Ben" issue and more like a "Microsoft" issue. What do you think? Should I just open a ticket?
Instead of the searching for the connector you can directly search for the action, in the search bar type list rows and change the option from Premium to All.
This will help in fetching all the actions that matches the name List Records here you will be able to the find the desired action.
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