I'm trying to create a basic flow that is triggered when an event is created in Office 365 calendar. Specifically, I'm trying to change the color of the event in my calendar, since Outlook web and mac client doesn't have a way to apply colors based on any triggers/intelligence.
For example, if event has the word "Client Meeting" in it, color it red.
I'm starting with "When a new event is created" and choose my primary calendar. Second step is adding a condition, but it leaves me at a roadblock because it doesn't give me any values to choose from to base the condition off of.
I would expec there to be attributes fed in from the event like telling me that "Title", "Description or "STartTime" is available.
Let's assume for now I can just put in value of 'Title". Second problem is acting upon the newly created event. I assumed I could use an action of "Outlook 365 Calendar - Update Event" but i'm hitting roadblock because I dont' know how to get the event ID that triggered the initial flow.
Here's what I'm seeing, with the action explicitly asking me to specify the event ID, when I have no idea what it is. Other calendar flows I've seen have had attributes exposed when there are chained actions.
What am I doing wrong?
Did you ever figure out categories for events in Flow? I have the same question.
Currently, when we use "Office 365 Outlook - when an event is created" as a trigger, there is no Output properties from the trigger.
As a workaround, you can try to use "Office 365 - Get events" to get all events, then use Condition to apply to each event. If there is an event whose attribute match the condition, update the event.