Can we create a PDF from a sharepoint list attachments (Jpg files) without using API or premium flows?
Ok let me explain. Images in JPG format are stored on a sharepoint list as attachment.
Each image is stored into a different record of my sharepoint list (1 Attachment per record)
What i need to do is to create a multipage PDF from these attachments based on partial filename.
For instance if i have 3 attachments named like this:
If i want to create a PDF from attachment names with EUROPE. I'll get a PDF with these 2 images only:
then i will need to get this new generated PDF file into power apps and send this file to Outlook email.
I also tried to generate a PDF with a gallery which contains my images but i did not managed to resize the images in A4 format and one image per page. This is why i'm trying the same results but with a flow on automate.
I dont follow your requirements. Can you try to explain what exactly you are trying to do / what output is supposed to be?
Thanks for your reply and suggestion, however i need to create a multipage PDF with the condition of attachments name will be a partial filename for adding pages.It seems that with "convert file of Onedrive busines"s i can convert only one file at once .
You can use actions like "Get attachments" to fetch JPG files from SharePoint list items and then use a service like Microsoft OneDrive to convert these images into PDFs.