So, I'm definitely an extremely beginner but trying to find my way out of this rabbit hole.
I'm trying to automate the news section on my company Sharepoint Site via RSS feed.
I did use this guide in order to get the image as well. Things were running smooth while I used, but not when using the original link .
The error is: Failed to read requested Feed information. Details: Reference to undeclared entity 'ndash'. Line 11, position 27.
So it doesn't even complete the trigger.
I tried using a different action, like "list all RSS feed items" after a scheduled recurrence trigger, but ended up with the same error.
I don't know if there is a way to bypass this entity. Plz help.
Unfortunately, as it crashes at trigger level and it is and must be the first action, it will be hard to do any thing.
I tested your URL on my side, no setting permits to bypass this error, trigger is just useless for this source until they remove that ndash char.
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Thanks for the response, Sam. But I can't change the source, since it's from a third party. Is there a way to extract only the information I will use before running the RSS action?
There is an issue with your incoming RSS feed. RSS Feed are XML, yours contains the – HTML entity in the title which is not recognized in XML. Only < and & can be use in XML, any other must be declare using their numerical value.
Better thing to do would to change that char at source. Use the basic "-" or use hex code notation for ndash (–).
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